Upholstered Couches

When it comes to upholstered couches, the choice could not be more personal.

Not only does the fabric choice matter immensely, it’s a question of style, too. Whether you’re looking for something lush, like the Chartwell Couch, or something slightly more modern, like the Chelsea Couch – we’re here to help. Trying to decide between a Victoria High Arm or Victoria Low Arm couch? We understand the dilemma – both are simply sumptuous.

In addition to these marvelous choices, here are just a few of our other top-selling upholstered couches for sale:

– The Kidney Couch: a timeless piece.
– The Edinburgh Couch: this one sweeps the floor and gives your lounge area a warm, cosy feel.
– The Trafalgar Couch: ultimate glamour, and comfort!

Any piece in our range, whether you select a low couch or something else entirely, is sure to create ambiance in your lounge area. Browse the Griffiths & Griffiths selection of upholstered couches now.

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